Dr Caroline Tan

Dr Caroline Tan

Consulting Neurosurgeon & Specialist Spinal Surgeon
North Melbourne VIC and Telehealth
Provider Number: 5521023T


Dr Caroline Tan attended University of Melbourne Medical School and trained in Melbourne and Adelaide before her admission as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Neurosurgery).

Dr Tan has also completed a Fellowship of Spine undertaking complex spine surgery for degenerative, traumatic and neoplastic diseases of the spine. This training remains invaluable in Medicolegal settings where opinions relating to spinal presentations are an issue.

She remains a Senior Clinical Lecturer with the Deakin and Flinders University Medical Schools and has been  employed as a Consultant Neurosurgeon at several public hospitals in Australia and New Zealand, namely Royal Melbourne, Monash, Royal Adelaide, Royal Hobart Hospital, Townsville Hospital, Nepean Hospital and Dunedin Hospital allowing her experience with a vast array of presentations, workplace and environmental causation of injuries and degenerative disorders.

Dr Tan has been doing medicolegal work since 2009 and is accredited by WorkSafe Victoria and TAC as an approved Independent Medical Examiner.

Traditionally Neurosurgery reports are brief and focused on diagnosis, causation and surgical prospects. Often rehabilitation personnel and occupational therapists have required to seek the need for secondary opinions from other specialists specifically addressing return to work options, rehabilitation options, future medical care and review of medication for safe return to employment that legislation may require to be mandatory in some job roles. Dr Tan acknowledges this and her reports address this specific issue. Her reports incorporate a focus on the day to day impact of a presenting condition, allowing for a personalised overview of an individual’s overall functionality and limitations, and inclusive of anticipated future surgery or a required period of recovery.

“I want to hear all about what is troubling them, how it is impacting on their life, work and recreational pursuits, as well as what their expectations of treatment are.”  

This information provides invaluable assistance to those entrusted with the role of suitable job role placement, the determining of maximal hours, rehabilitation requirements, the consideration of future employment prospects and whether these are realistic and the overall consideration of any occupational and safety legislation requirements that may be mandatory such as in the case of prescribed pain medication. Effectively, Dr Tan’s reports endeavour to provide a bridge of communication between her expertise amd those engaged in rehabilitation, management of staff and those assisting in safe return to work programs of a colleague or injured employee.

Schemes and Acceditations

  • American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 4th Ed
  • American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th Ed
  • ACT Motor Vehicle
  • ACT Workers’ Compensation
  • Comcare Guide to the Assessment of Degree of Permanent Impairment
  • Criminal Law
  • Life Insurance – TPD and Income Protection
  • Medical Negligence
  • Public and Professional Liability
  • Victoria Transport Accidents Commission (TAC)
  • Victoria Transport Accidents Commission Joint Medical Examiner (JME)
  • WorkSafe Victoria Independent Medical Examiner (IME)

Communication matters.

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