Dr Philip Crowley

Addiction Medicine Specialist
Glen Iris VIC and Telehealth

Provider Number: 026537LW


Dr Philip Crowley is an Addiction Medicine Specialist practising in Glen Iris, Victoria.

He provides a range of assessments including medication review of patients with long-term chronic pain (ie Opioids), treatment reviews of those with chronic pain who are not progressing; appropriate use of medicinal cannabis; injuries resulting in alcohol and other addictions; workplace safety for those on sedatives or other medications; and drug testing in the workplace.

He regularly undertakes CASA assessments to provide opinions on substance use issues and frequently provides his view to transport companies and AHPRA.

Prior to this, Dr Crowley worked in both the government and private sectors in South Australia. He completed formal training in this specialty in 2012, and now has extensive experience in assessing and managing a large range of substance use presentations in hospital, community, and workplace settings. This work has also included a strong focus on academic research and teaching on a range of topics within this medical specialty.

Dr Philip Crowley has attended and participated in medical meetings in Australia and internationally to ensure that he maintains contemporary skills and knowledge in this area. Dr Crowley has a special interest in medicolegal and regulatory assessments of people with potential drug and alcohol use disorders and has authored publications on long-term pharmacotherapy of alcohol use disorders and on opioid risk management in long-term non-cancer pain.

Accreditations and Schemes:

  • American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 4th Ed
  • American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th Ed
  • ACT Motor Vehicle
  • ACT Workers Compensation
  • Comcare Guide to the Assessment of Degree of Permanent Impairment
  • Criminal Law
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Family law
  • Fitness For Duty
  • Life Insurance-TPD and Income Protection
  • Medical Negligence
  • Public and Professional Liability
  • Seafarers
  • Victoria Transport Accidents Commission
  • Worksafe Victoria Addiction Medicine Specialist Examination

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