
Dr Rameswaran (Ramesh) Vannitamby

Telehealth Only

Provider Number: 202664RT
VWA Provider Number: IME2026UL


Dr. Ramesh Vannitamby is a highly respected Psychiatrist who has spent many years helping people with various mental health challenges. He specializes in treating conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and adult ADHD.   

 He runs a special clinic where he sees adult patients who have intellectual disabilities. Dr. Vannitamby is really good at understanding the unique healthcare needs of these adults, and he’s dedicated to helping them live healthier and happier lives.  

 He’s also part of a group called the Advanced Disability Healthcare Consortium (ADHC). This group is made up of experts who work together to find better ways to care for people with disabilities. Within this group, Dr. Vannitamby plays a very important role in a program called the Integrated Service Program (ISP). This program is all about helping people who have both intellectual disabilities and mental health problems. These can be very complex cases, and Dr. Vannitamby’s knowledge and skills are highly valued in helping these individuals.  

 Because of his exceptional abilities and deep understanding of these complex situations, Dr. Vannitamby has earned a great reputation among other clients, doctors, and healthcare professionals. They often seek his advice and trust his medico-legal expert opinions. This makes him a respected authority in the medico-legal field, especially when it comes to dealing with the intricacies of mental health and intellectual disabilities.  

Accreditations and Schemes:

  • American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th Ed 
  • ACT Motor Vehicle 
  • ACT Workers’ Compensation 
  • Comcare Guide to the Assessment of Degree of Permanent Impairment 
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs 
  • Fitness For Duty 
  • Life Insurance – TPD and Income Protection 
  • Public and Professional Liability 
  • SIRA NSW Workers’ Compensation Permanent Impairment Assessor (PIA) 
  • Seafarers 

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