Complete a 3-minute psychometric test to assess your resilience across 6 distinct domains of resilience. Receive a report outlining your resilience scores across the 6 domains, identifying priority areas, and recommending strategies for your highest developmental areas.
Receive your personalised momentum score which indicates your likely development from the current point-in-time resilience score. This is used to make recommendations regarding priority areas for development.
The Driven Resilience Training workshop will help you understand your report – what each of the 6 domains is and why each is important. You’ll learn how you can leverage neuroplasticity to build your resilience and maintain momentum in times of adversity.
Click here to view the sample report.Example Driven Resilience AI Training Report
Then start your Driven virtual resilience coaching program. This AI-enabled virtual coach leads you through a series of 3-minute daily microtasks to build resilience in each of the 6 Resilience domains. Daily activity drives sustainable behaviour change, ensuring it is part of your practice when you need it most.
For HR managers, reports can be produced at both an individual and team level, allowing you to track psychological wellbeing over time, and measure this against employee engagement, absenteeism, productivity and more.
To succeed in an environment of accelerating change and uncertainty, resilience skills are crucial. Through the Driven Resilience Program, you can master the skills of resilience which lead to a more productive, successful life.