
The speed and scale at which coronavirus has spread across the world has rapidly changed the way we live and work, and Medicolegal Experts within the personal injury sector are now contemplating how Telehealth can help them during this challenging environment.

To help you get started here are some great resources.


Welcome & Overview

Welcome to the video series “Transitioning to Telehealth”.

What is Telehealth?

What do we mean when we say “Telehealth”?

How are medicolegal Telehealth assessments conducted?

An explanation of the process of conducting Telehealth assessments.

What standards generally apply when conducting medicolegal assessments via Telehealth?

Let’s look at the standards that apply to Telehealth assessments.


ACRRM Telehealth Advisory Committee Standards Framework 2016

For WorkSafe approved IMEs, please see section 3.12 of the Independent Medical Examiner Service Standards sent directly to you via email from WorkSafe Victoria.

Are Telehealth assessments an acceptable means of conducting medicolegal assessments?

Exploring the use of Telehealth for all medicolegal assessment types.


Perspectives on Telehealth IMEs, Dr Drew Dixon, AMLC President

Getting set up for Telehealth

What Telehealth software should I use?

An overview of the video conferencing options available.


We would like to draw your attention to the CoViu telehealth platform, an Australian cloud-based platform designed specifically for health care practitioners.

Momentum Report for Video Conferencing – this website provides up-to-date resources on the most widely used teleconferencing platforms, including costs and features.

Do any of the regulators or insurers have an approved Telehealth software they require us to use?

The recommendations around the use of Telehealth software in the personal injury sector.


VWA does not have any approved or recommended video-conferencing systems or providers

For WorkSafe approved IMEs, please see section 3.12 of the Independent Medical Examiner Service Standards sent directly to you via email from WorkSafe Victoria.

Telehealth and security

A discussion around security aspects.


For WorkSafe approved IMEs, please see section 3.12 (d) of the Independent Medical Examiner Service Standards sent directly to you via email from WorkSafe Victoria.

Telehealth Video Consultation – security & privacy fact sheet

ACRRM Risk Management clinical video consultations fact sheet

AMA Privacy Handbook

Australian Privacy Principles Guidelines

Medicolegal aspects for telehealth services for Victorian Public Health Service

RACGP Guide to providing telephone and video consultations

RACGP Privacy and managing health information in general practice

RACGP Using email in general practice factsheet

RACP telehealth guidelines and practical tips

RANZCP Professional Practice Standards and Guides for Telepsychiatry

RANZCP Telepsychiatry technical specifications

Things that could go wrong

A frank discussion about what could go wrong and what to do about it.

MEDirect engages the services of Telehealth Tech, a Virtual Technical Practice Manager who will concierge your Telehealth Appointments to avoid any technical connection issues that may arise.

Mitigating technical malfunctions

How to prepare, technically, for the best telehealth assessments


ACRRM Risk Management clinical video consultations fact sheet

3 tips for a successful Coviu consultation

Conducting a Telehealth consult

The 7 habits of highly successful Telehealth consultations

Helpful tips for how to conduct a successful Telehealth medicolegal assessment.

Management of the claimant’s physical environment

A discussion on the considerations you need to take into account around the injured person’s physical environment to ensure you’re able to meet your medical expert requirements.

Psychiatry: how does a Telehealth assessment differ from a face-to-face assessment?

What are the differences between face to face versus Telehealth assessments, for psychiatrists?

How to conduct a physical Telehealth medicolegal consultation

Exploring the complexities of conducting a physical Telehealth assessment.

Using an interpretive service

What about using an interpreter for a Telehealth assessment?

Is it lawful to record a Telehealth video consultation?

Let’s discuss the legality of recording a Telehealth assessment


ACRRM Risk Management clinical video consultations fact sheet

RACGP: Telehealth video consultations guideRefer section 5.4 “Recording video consultations”

Recording of consults is complex – Doctors should proceed with caution

Legality of secretly recording conversations in Australia

Evidence-Based Medicine

Tele-orthopaedics: Exploring quality of care for remote orthopaedic consultations using Telemedicine – A randomised controlled trial

Clinical trial evidence on the quality of care provided to orthopaedic outpatients via Telehealth vs face to face consultations.

Before and after the Telehealth assessment

How can I schedule and receive medicolegal Telehealth appointments?

What your options are for scheduling and receiving Telehealth assessments.

Documenting a Telehealth medicolegal consultation

Is there any extra documentation required for a Telehealth assessment?


For WorkSafe approved IMEs, please see section 3.12 (e) of the Independent Medical Examiner Service Standards sent directly to you via email from WorkSafe Victoria.

Can I charge additional fees for a medicolegal Telehealth assessment?

Let’s discuss additional fees for Telehealth assessments

Other Important Information

Other considerations and moving to digitisation with MEDirect

In this final video, what other considerations should you consider?