What is Long COVID?
Prof Mark Taylor, MD; FRCPsych; FRCPE; FRANZCP; Kirsty Taylor, BA (Hons); PGCE; FRSA; andProf Alan J Carson, FRCPsych; FRCPE Introduction In 2019 reports started emanating from Wuhan in China about a novel viral infection, initially thought to be similar to SARS. By March 2020 the world was in the grip of the highly contagious coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic (here referred to as COVID), leading to a series of urban and travel…
Car Crash – Mindcafe
“So, you had a car crash?” Reviewing the risk and rates of mental disorder after a roadtraffic accident. Introduction Road traffic or motor vehicle accidents are common in Australia and elsewhere. Over 50million people have a road traffic accident (RTA) in a year, and RTAs are now the third singlemost common cause of death worldwide (WHO, 2020). For example, the Australian RoadsDeath Database reveals the death rate due to RTAs…